We have finally found a house! We had kind of surrendered to the fact that we probably would be with my parents for a couple of months until we could pay off the van, and then this house kind of fell into our laps and it just feels right. It isn't exactly our "dream" house, but it is very nice and we are very excited to have 4 bedrooms, living AND family rooms and 2 bathrooms for only slightly more than what we were paying in rent before. (And Kendall would want me to insert that we also have a garage and a yard, both very exciting!) Here is a picture of the exterior of the house.
As you can see we are on a wooded lot. In fact, I'm hoping we can thin the trees out a little in the back because the grass doesn't even grow as well as I'd like since it doesn't get much sunlight, but we are excited about having big trees. It also has a fully fenced backed yard (HOORAY!!). It is only a one car garage, but it is oversized so Kendall won't get to park in there, but he will have his workshop. Here are a few pictures of the inside. We obviously haven't moved in yet since our closing is still 2 weeks away. But we have our home inspection tomorrow afternoon, so things are getting closer! This is the living room.
Here is the kitchen. It obviously come with NO appliances, which means I get to go choose all of my own brand new ones!! I am excited about this part, except for the shopping. I always do way too much research, which the kids are never thrilled about being hauled around for.

Here is a picture taken from the dining room which goes out onto the balcony. It currently doesn't have any stairs going into the back yard, so while I am making dinner I can put the kids out there to play and keep a close eye on them.

The bathroom upstairs has been recently redone and it looks really nice. I'm excited to have a mildew free bathroom. All of our apartment bathrooms have been disgusting!

Here is a picture of the backyard. Kendall is excited to get started on completely redoing it. The first thing will be a sandbox for Avri. It didn't come with one, but since we close the day before her birthday that is what she will be getting for her birthday! (Shh, she doesn't know!)

That was probably way more than you wanted to know about our house, but as you can probably imagine we are beyond excited to have a nice place that is new to us. The last thing that I have to say is that we DO have a GUEST BEDROOM which we would love for our friends and family to use. So plan your trips to Nauvoo or Chicago (each only a couple of hours away) and get free room and board with us. We'd love to see any of you!!